We kindly invite you to attend two seminars:

  • ”AMOTL2 as cell fate determinant in hPSCs”, which will be given by Anna Jędrzejak (from the Department of Gene Expression, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań).
    Ania obtained her MSc in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Biology in Stem Cell Laboratory, in which she continued her research at the PhD program, which is currently finalized. In her research, Ania concentrates on mechanisms of pluripotency and early developmental processes in human, and she mainly utilizes the cell culture techniques with hPSCs. She is a laureate of the Preludium Grant founded by the National Science Centre. In her talk, Ania will focus on the role of AMOTL2 gene in pluripotency and cell fate determination in human.
  • ”Chromatin and histone modifications in plant stress response”, which will be given by Wojciech Dzięgielewski (Laboratory of Genome Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
    Wojtek obtained his MSc in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Biology in 2019 and remained in Professor Piotr Ziolkowski lab to pursue his PhD. Currently, he is a final-year PhD student involved in multiple projects. His research focuses on the epigenetic regulation of meiotic recombination and stress response in the model plant species, Arabidopsis thaliana. Additionally, he supports computational analyses of NGS data carried out in the lab. Wojtek is a laureate of the START Scholarship awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science and a recipient of the AMU Foundation Scholarship. During his talk, Wojtek will discuss part of his PhD dissertation, focusing on the role of the AtHDA19 histone deacetylase in transcriptional control of stress response genes.

The seminars are organized as part of the KNOW RNA Research Centre, Poznan and will be held on 5th July at 09:15 in lecture hall – Sala Rady Wydziału (Faculty Council Lecture Hall), at Faculty of Biology, AMU.