Julia Dłużewska, PhD
Genome Biology Research Unit
e-mail: julia.dluzewska@amu.edu.pl
phone: +48 61 829 5960
office: 1.99
Julia completed her Master’s degree in Biotechnology at Adam Mickiewicz University, under the supervision of prof. Krzysztof Sobczak – she was involved in research concerning the use of antisense oligonucleotides in the molecular therapy of myotonic dystrophy.
During studies Julia was a Student Leader of Synthetic Biology Science Club, which successfully took part in two editions of iGEM competition, held by MIT. The project concerned sugar-induced promoters for efficient protein expression in E.coli.
She started her PhD studies in 2017 in Piotr Ziółkowski Lab, where she studies factors influencing meiotic recombination. Julia is mostly interested in the effect of polymorphism on crossover formation, with MSH2 being her favorite protein.