We kindly invite you to the seminar “Function of Xist RNA in X chromosome inactivation” which will be given by Prof. Neil Brockdorff from University of Oxford. The lecture is organized as part of the KNOW RNA Research Centre in Poznań and RNA Society – RNA Salon Poznań and will be held on 7th June at 10:15 in Aula Paczoskiego, UAM Faculty of Biology.

The talk will be followed by career-advisory meeting for PhD students and postdocs at 11:20. More information about the speaker below.

Let us know in case you would like to meet with the speaker, there will be limited number of 30 min time slots available => contact Michał Gdula (michal.gdula@amu.edu.pl).

Looking forward to seeing you.

Neil received his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Glasgow. He developed his interest in X chromosome inactivation through post-doctoral work with Steve Brown, (St Marys Hospital, London), and Sohaila Rastan (MRC-CRC, London). In Sohaila Rastan’s laboratory Neil worked on the identification and characterisation of the Xist gene.

Neil established his own lab at the Clinical Sciences Centre, Hammersmith Hospital, London in 1994. Building on his post-doctoral work he provided the first direct evidence that Xist is required for X inactivation, contributing also to studies on Xist gene regulation and the mechanism of chromosome silencing.

In 2008 Neil relocated his lab to the Biochemistry Department at the University of Oxford with the award of a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship. Work in his lab continues to focus on X chromosome inactivation and related fields.

Neil was awarded the Tenovus (Scotland) Medal in 1999 for his work on Xist and X inactivation. He is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation and elected fellow of the Society of Biology and the Academy of Medical Science. Neil has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in May 2018.
