Prof. Hanna Kmita

Bioenergetics Research Group


phone: +48 61 829 5902
office:  G1.75

Hanna finished undergraduate studies and did PhD (under supervision of Prof Jan Michejda) at Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań. Then she left for long postdoc in the field of mitochondria biogenesis and function under supervision of Prof Walter Neupert and Prof Roland Lill (Institute of Physiological Chemistry at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and Institute of Clinical Cell Biology and Cell Pathology at Marburg University, Germany) After that she came back to the Department of Bioenergetics (AMU) where she set up her own research group and worked on the mitochondrial outer membrane metabolite and protein import channels’ functional relationships, activity regulation and application as phylogenetic markers. She became the head of the department in 2019 and then the leader of Bioenergetics group. At present she focuses on VDAC channel paralogs’ role in oxidative stress response and mitochondria contribution to desiccation tolerance known as anhydrobiosis.