Maja Szymańska-Lejman, PhD
Genome Biology Research Unit

phone: +48 61 829 5960
office: 1.99
Maja graduated from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Biotechnology. As a student she was a member of a Synthetic Biology Section. Together with four other students, they took part in iGEM competition in Boston, and received the gold medal and the award for the best project. Maja also received a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements in science.
Currently she is working on meiotic recombination in plants. The aim of her PhD project is to develop a method for precise mapping of crossing-over events during meiosis and to use it to understand the impact of selected factors on crossing-over at the hotspot scale. In 2021, she got Preludium Grant (NCN) to investigate the competition between hotspots. She is a co-author of six articles published in scientific journals.
Maja loves spending her free time actively with her family. She also enjoys reading and learning languages.