Prof. Wiesława Jarmuszkiewicz
Mitochondrial Biochemistry Research Group

phone: +48 61 829 5881
office: 1.141
Wiesława is a biochemist and bioenergetician. Her entire scientific career is associated with the Faculty of Biology of the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznan. There she completed her studies, obtained a doctoral degree, a postdoctoral degree (habilitation) and the title of professor in biological sciences (specialization in biochemistry). In the meantime, as a postdoc, she spent a total of 3 years on scientific internships at the Department of Bioenergetics, Liege University in Belgium (Prof. Francis Sluse) and 8 months at the Department of Pathologia Clinica, Campinas University, Brazil (Prof. Anibal Vercesi).
She has 30 years of experience working on mitochondrial function of various eukaryotic organisms (unicellular organisms, plants, insects, different mammalian organs/tissues). Her most important achievements are the identification and functional characterization of mitochondrial energy dissipation systems in various groups of eukaryotes.