by admin | 21.08.2023 | Publications
A ligand-receptor interactome atlas of the zebrafish Milosz Chodkowski, Andrzej Zielezinski, Savani Anbalagan ...
by admin | 31.07.2023 | Latest News
Bartomiej Surpeta and rest of Jan Brezeovsky Team has just published their study addressing the global crisis of bacterial resistance in the ACS Catalysis. They shared their results about determinant factors of novel quorum quenching enzymes’ activity against...
by admin | 31.07.2023 | Latest News
Three NSC grants has been awarded to the IMBB researchers: Magda Masłoń received OPUS grant to investigate mechanism of the RNA amplification in the pathogenesis of Trisomy 21 , Mikołaj Olejniczak also OPUS to study RNA recognition by KhpA & KhpB in Streptococus...
by admin | 24.07.2023 | Publications
Time-dependent recruitment of GAF, ISGF3 and IRF1 complexes shapes IFNα and IFNγ-activated transcriptional responses and explains mechanistic and functional overlap Agata Sekrecka, Katarzyna Kluzek, Michal Sekrecki, Mahdi Eskandarian Boroujeni, Sanaz Hassani, Shota...
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