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Computational Biology

Our group works on developing and applying modern high-throughput computational tools to analyse biological data, especially genomic sequences, proteins, and transcripts in a functional and evolutionary context.


Prof. Wojciech M. Karłowski

Principal Investigator


Data coming from high-throughput molecular techniques offer an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the living organisms with computational tools. In our research we focus on the following main areas:
Global genes analyses in the context of pathogenic relations and gene evolution; investigation of non-coding RNAs, including comparative analyses and identification of novel species: functional genomic studies aimed at the identification of genetic factors related to agronomically important traits.

Current group members

Prof. Wojciech M. Karłowski

Prof. Wojciech M. Karłowski

principal investigator

Andrzej Zieleziński, PhD

Andrzej Zieleziński, PhD

Piotr Kopeć, MSc

Piotr Kopeć, MSc

PhD student

Anand Kumar Maurya, MSc

Anand Kumar Maurya, MSc

PhD student