Anna Piaszyk-Borychowska, PhD

Developmental Epigenetics Research Group


phone: +48 61 829 1909
office: CAT A227

Anna received her Engineer and MSc degree in biotechnology: molecular diagnostics from Poznań University of Life Sciences. Then she conducted her PhD research in the group of Prof. Hans Bluyssen at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, studying the role of signal integration between STAT1 and TLR4-induced pathways in vascular inflammation. Part of her PhD work was conducted in Prof. Laszlo Nagy Lab at University of Debrecen, where she performed Marie Curie Actions Internship. Anna joined Michał Gdula Developmental Epigenetics Lab as a postdoc to investigate the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in DNA replication. In her project she combines multiple methods: molecular biology-based techniques, super-resolution microscopy and bioinformatics. In her free time Anna enjoys freestyle cooking for her family, cultivating inhouse jungle and being an avid reader.