Katarzyna Błaszczyk, PhD

Stem Cell Laboratory


e-mail: katarzyna.blaszczyk@amu.edu.pl
phone: +48 61 829 5951
office: 1.87

Since 2018 I work as a postdoc in dr Malgorzata Borowiak’s Stem Cells Laboratory where I conduct research on selected candidate genes in search for their role in endocrine progenitors’ differentiation towards β-cell as well as β-cell proliferation with the use of human and mouse models. Using techniques such as hPSC 3D differentiation, ChIP- and RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, IF, FC, confocal microscopy, adult and embryonic mouse handling, embryonic pancreas isolation.

In 2017 I was awarded a PhD in Molecular Biology after international PhD training, funded by European Commission-FNP at the AMU in Poznan. Before that, for several years I worked in the UK (KCL, Cambridge University) where I gained experience in population genetics. I am a member of Welcome Trust Case-Control and UK IBD Genetics Consortiums.

Outside of work, I love traveling, particularly exploring the nature but also tasting traditional cuisines of new places and trying to recreate these recipes at home.